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Main » 2011 » July » 19 » Why Women Should Not Fear Lifting Heavy Weights
9:39 AM
Why Women Should Not Fear Lifting Heavy Weights

 Exercises became an exigent task for people. People opt for exercise to improve their health condition or to have an attractive figure. Men try to develop muscles and women aim at reducing body fat. Lifting heavy weights is best solution for both requirements. Women usually have a false notion that lifting heavy weights would cause fat thighs like men. Eating more will cause increase in weight in women when energy-in is more than energy-out. Usually women prefer fasting and diet control to get rid of overweight. But control of appetite makes them hungry.

Lifting heavy weights help women to get rid of overweight. Also women have as low as 30% testosterone level compared to that in men. So there is no question of developing great muscles like men in women. Lifting heavy weights improves muscle fibre; enhances secretion of endorphins; stimulates blood chemistry. Figure correction can be achieved with little time spared. Joints and ligaments become tough and resist bone and joint pains.

Higher the muscle fibre higher is the Basal Metabolism Rate and Resting Metabolic Rate. BMR and RMR help to maintain the lean average body mass and modulate appetite. Lifting heavy weights burn fat and develop muscle protein tissues. During Metabolism breakdown and oxidation of complex food molecules releases energy which is used to synthesize complex molecules. Amino acids, proteins, lipids carbohydrates, nucleotides with the help of coenzyme like adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) are broken down into simple molecules of carbohydrates and water. Over weight may occur due to this water but not due to muscles. Again the same ATP is used in constructive metabolism with amino acids to produce glucans and proteins that improve BMR and RMR. This makes the muscle tissues have lean average body mass with little fat. The muscle growth prevents fat growth. One pound of fat is replaced by 1 pound of muscle, besides you take the light food. Also the heat generated in metabolic process improves blood chemistry and prevents blood pressure levels controlling its PH level.

Lifting heavy weights can improve secretion of Endorphins, the vital chemicals of brain, situated in the pituitary gland and throughout the nervous system. These often called neurotransmitters, capable in transmission of responses quickly within the nervous system generate energy. Lifting heavy weights stimulate the endorphins interact with the opiate receptors of the brain. It helps to reduce the perception of brain to stress and pain. Addiction and dependence decreases. In whichever way you see it is advantageous for women to get trained in lifting heavy weights for toning. Being thin with fat content make women look old but this fat replaced by muscles makes them look young and fit giving astonishing results. These regular exercises improve longevity and prevent orthopaedic risks.

All that women need to have in mind is accuracy of diet sets and reps to be maintained as suggested by the trainer. There are different types of workouts in heavy weight lifting to cause exertion on Chest, back: lower back, middle back and lats, shoulders, abs, biceps, triceps, quads, hams, calves and cardio. One needs to start lifting 20-30% weights and gradually increase them to have good results. Workouts of 3 sets each with 10-12 reps are required at initial stage with average lifting weights. But with training high-low routines, tri-sets, burn-out sets, negative reps, forced negative reps, multi-exercise reps, diminishing sets, upside down pyramid routines are included with 5-7 sets each with 10-15 reps.

Category: Health | Views: 395 | Added by: Inklinker | Tags: women, lifting, attractive, Heavy, figure correction, blood, metabolism, results, heavy weights | Rating: 0.0/0
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