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KPO Industry & Different Kinds of Services
KPO Stands for Knowledge Process Outsourcing.   Below are the various list of services provided by KPO Industry.

  • Market Research & Analysis
            * Qualitative Market Research Services
                - Brand Market Research
                    -> Scope:
                          # Determine customers' reactions (positive and negative) in the market for a   
                             product/organization like yours
                          # Learn promotional/advertising mediums used by clients/prospects when searching for a
                             product like yours
                          # Compare your organization and product/services against 2-3 competing firms
                          # Assess the current perceptions on the brand image of your company/product
                          # Develop value proposition
                          # Positioning strategies
                     -> Services
                           # Monitoring Brand performance
                           # Optimization of Brand positioning
                           # Study of your Corporate reputation
                           # Workforce brand studies (branding starts with the HR department)
                           # Assessment of Investor brand
                           # Brand portfolio management
                           # Specific issues on Branding and promotion

                - Market Sector Research
                         ->  Key Info of:
                                      #  Market size in terms of money and historical growth rate                                       #  Progressions and trends in the industry
                                      #  Degree of market consolidation of the leading companies and their prevailing
                                          market shares
                                      #  Merger and acquisitions in the industry
                                      #  Marketing activity (Sales & distribution channels)
                                      #  Key market drivers
                                      #  Future growth expectations
                                      #  Industry associations, Government decrees and relevant authorities
     - Consumer Market Research
           -> Scope
                             #  Gathering market information regarding opinions and trends
                             #  Acquiring information on consumer behavior
                             #  Measure the interest levels in new products and service offerings
                             #  Generating a list of potential new customers
                             #  Customers' perceptions of your brand, product and service
                             #  The probability of current customers becoming repeat purchasers
                             #  What your customers think of your competition
                             #  Your customers' future needs and wants
    - Customer Intelligence Services
           -> Scope    
                # Speech Analytics
                    ~Monitoring telephonic discussions between organizations and customers.
                    ~Using phonetic analysis or 'speech to text' to find keywords.
                    ~Categorize call types and classify trends.

                 # Click Tracking
                    ~Monitoring the reputation and visits on corporate web sites,
                    ~Have indications about product interests and business intention.

                 # Customer Relationship Management
                   ~Sales force automation and to effectively administer customer relationships.
                   ~Store data with the various parameters like quantity, category, contact details,                                            etc. of customers and prospects.

-> Advantages

    # Comprehensive understanding of the customers' experience with a company (telephonic           interactions, shopping experiences, etc.

     # Forecasts can be made after obtaining reasons behind positive or negative customer behaviors.

     # This information can then be applied in advanced strategic decision

                - Market Research Report Writing
                    -> Scope
                         # Determining the scope of the report
                         # Collect and categorize the information
                         # Target audience to be determined
                         # Analyze the research information
                         # Establishing the solution and findings
                         # Arriving at recommendations
                         # Determine the report format
                    -> Services
                         # Product development, specifications and innovations
                         # Marketing, branding and promotion strategies
                         # Positioning analysis
                - Pricing Research
                     -> Price Modeling
                     -> Considering Market Models
                         # Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter
                         # Concept Test
                         # Conjoint Analysis
                         # Discrete Choice Modeling

                - Market Research Focus Groups
                 -> Types of focus groups           
  • Two-way - one focus group will observe another and the observations are taken down for final conclusion
  • Dual moderator - one moderator ensures smooth progression the session, while another makes sure that all the topics are covered
  • Dueling moderator - two moderators will intentionally take differing sides on the issue under discussion
  • Respondent moderator - only one of the respondents are required to be a moderator for the time being
  • Client participant - one or more customer representatives will participate in the dialogue
  • Mini focus groups - groups are composed of fewer members rather than a big crowd
  • Teleconference focus groups
  • Online focus groups - respondents connected via the internet are used


            * Quantitative Market Research Services
                  - Consumer Market Survey
                  - CATI
                  - Market Research Data Processsing
                  - Data Cleansing Solutions
            * Web Based Research Services
            * Business Research Services
                - Online Business Research
                                               ->  Industry profiling and analysis
                                               ->  Demographic analysis
                                               ->  Product/services analysis
                                               ->  Market Opportunity Analysis
                                               ->  Competitive Analysis
                                               ->  Key Account Profiling
                                               ->  Company Analysis
                                               ->  Market feasibility study
                                               ->  Market entry strategy
                                               ->  Emerging market trends
                                               ->  Database Management 
                  - Business Competitor Analysis     
                                          -> Background Research
                                                    #   History - Events in chronological order
                                                    #   Offices of the competitor across the globe
                                           -> Products & Services
                                                    #   Brand portfolio - in case of products or FMCG
                                                    #   Level of CRM maintained for the services offered
                                                    #   New product line, historical product line
                                            -> Marketing Strategies
                                                    #   Basic marketing strategy - Push or pull marketing?
                                                    #   Means by which the promotional strategy is applied
                                                    #   Advertisement strategy
                                                    #   Marketing budget allocated and its effectiveness
                                            -> Personnel
                                                    #   Key personnel in the company
                                                    #   Human resources strategy
                                                    #   Benefits, perks and compensation of the key personnel
                                                    #   Difference makers (predominantly in marketing and operations)
                                             -> Financials                                                   
                                                    #  Balance sheet, PE ratio analysis
                                                    #  Performance of shares in the market
                                                    #  Dividend policies - historical study

                - Industry Profiling
                             ->  Key Info of:
                                      #  Market size in terms of money and historical growth rate                                       #  Progressions and trends in the industry
                                      #  Degree of market consolidation of the leading companies and their prevailing
                                          market shares
                                      #  Merger and acquisitions in the industry
                                      #  Marketing activity (Sales & distribution channels)
                                      #  Key market drivers
                                      #  Future growth expectations
                                      #  Industry associations, Government decrees and relevant authorities
                             ->  Bargaining Power Of customers
                                      #  Bargaining power of suppliers
                                      #  Threat of new entrants
                                      #  Threat of substitutes
                                      #  Competitive rivalry within the industry

                              ->  Adding Image to industry overview   
                                      #  Background information
                                      #  Historical data about the industry
                                      #  Factors that affect growth
                                      #  Leading businesses in the industry
                                      #  Coming of age of the companies, most common strategy, gems of the
                                           industry, etc.                                
                                      #  Estimated size of the industry
                                      #  Trends in sales over recent years
                              -> Companies in The industry

                                      #  Background of the companies, their financial data, share performance,
                                          marketing strategies, etc.
                                      #  Product categories
                                      #  Competitor information
                               -> Consumer Market Data
                                      #  Demographics - Population/household size, median income, age, sex, race,
                                          ethnicity, family status, housing status, etc.
                                      #  Psychographics - Lifestyle, tastes, preferences, purchasing power and buying

                                -> Financial Situation of the Industry ad a whole

                                      Growth predictions of the industry in the future

                                      #  Based on articles, journals, experts' views, etc.

                                      #  Developments, News, Innovations

                                      #  Government regulations and interventions

                                 -> Research Findings
                                       # Findings of the primary and secondary research processes

                                       # Scholastic findings from top drawer universities

               - Company Profiling

                         -> Background
                         -> Executive summary
                         -> Key Facts
                         -> Chief Executive's Address
                         -> Company History
                         -> Executive Board And Biographies
                         -> Product Categories
                                 # Company History
                                 # Solution Characteristics
                                 # Industry Solutions
                                 # Solution areas
                                 #  Products by Categor
                         -> Competitive Landscape
                                 # Industry Overview
                                 # Evolving Requirements
                         ->  Key Competing Firms by Product Segment
                         ->  Financial Results
                                 # Recent Highlights
                                 # Five Year Summary
                         -> Stock Market Performance
                         -> Media monitoring
               - Business reports writing
                       ->  Scope:
                           # Determining the scope of the report
                           # Collect and categorize the information
                           # Target audience to be determined
                           # Analyze the research information
                           # Establishing the solution and findings
                           # Arriving at recommendations
                           # Determine the report format

                        ->  Business Report Writing services
                              # Self analysis
                              # Competitor analysis
                              # Industry analysis
                              # Growth prospects, Market trends and improvements
                              # Product development, specifications and innovations
                              # Marketing, branding and promotion strategies
                              # White paper writing

                        -> Different Kinds of Analysis in Business Reporting
                               # CRM strategy
                               # SWOT analysis
                               # PEST analysis
                               # Exploration of new avenues

               - Database Creation Services
                       -> Database creation service and maintenance - Types of databases:
                                Opinion leader
                       -> Collection of data is mainly through secondary research and subscribed sources     
                       -> Maintenance of databases done monthly, quarterly, half yearly or on annual basis
                       -> Options given to clients for accuracy: Verification process done by contacting primary
                            contacts directly
               - Business Research Survey
               - Insight Generation
                       -> Understand consumer needs in different cultural dimensions
                       -> Interpret Customers needs
                                  This helps in
                                     # New product development.
                                     # Developing  ad and promotional strategies
                                     # Classifying value propositions ansd many more.
                                      # Facts (general and specific) are identified
                                      # The facts are construed in relation to propositions
                                      # Insights are thus generated
                                      # New understandings come into the fore
  • Financial Market Research
  • Legal & Administration Research 
  • Healthcare & Clinical Research Services      
  • Web Research Services       
Category: Business | Views: 445 | Added by: Inklinker | Tags: health research, clinical research, legal research, market analysis, web research, market research, admisnistration research, financial market research | Rating: 0.0/0
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