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Main » 2011 » June » 30 » How To Bleach Your Skin- Part 2
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How To Bleach Your Skin- Part 2

Basic Tips:-


Skin Tone Type:  I & II

TIP 1:-

Resources Required: Oat Meal Powder -2 tablespoons , Wheat gram flour- 1 table spoon , Salt- A pinch, Olive Oil-4 tablespoons,  Vinegar – 1 tablespoon

Procedure: Mix all the above ingredients until it forms a light paste. Massage it all over your face in round circles for 10 min and allow it to dry. Wash your face with Luke warm water. You need to follow the procedure every 2 days.

Time required: 10-20 min. Improvement can be observed within 10 days.

Estimated Cost: $1 - $1.5


Resources Required: Milk Powder-4 tablespoons, Vinegar-1 tablespoon, Mustard Oil-1 tablespoon, Sugar a pinch, Yogurt-1 tablespoon, Lime Juice-1 table spoon

Procedure: Mix all the ingredients until it forms a thick paste. Apply it on your face like face pack and let it dry. Wash your face with Luke warm water. You can follow the procedure every day.

Time required: 15-30 min. Improvement can be seen after 3-4 weeks

Estimated Cost: $0.5 - $1.5


Resources Required: Neem leaves-4, Mint Leaves-4, Tulsi Leaves -4, Oat Meal Powder-2 spoons, Almonds-2 milk, and coconut oil-1 spoon

Procedure: First grind all the above ingredients with milk into paste. The paste should not be too thick or too light. Next rub it on your face in round circles for 2 min. Finally let it dry and wash your face with Luke warm water. Method should be followed daily. It can be stored in refrigerator without adding milk.

Time required: 15-25 min. Expected change can be seen in one month

Estimated Cost:  Less than $0.5


Resources Required: Sandal wood paste-2 tablespoons, Glycerine-1 tablespoon, and Rose water-1 tablespoon

Procedure: Mix all the ingredients and make a light paste. Apply it on your face like a thick mask in layers. Leave it to dry for 20 min. Wash your face with cold water.

Time Required: 45 min. You can find your skin glowing immediately.

Estimated Cost: $0.5-$1.5


Skin Tone Type:  III & IV


Resources Required: Honey-1 tablespoon, Vinegar-1 tablespoon, Rose petals – 6, Milk cream-1 tablespoon

Procedure: Mix all the ingredients after making a paste of rose petals. Apply it as a mask. Leave it to dry. Wash your face with cold water. Method should be followed twice a day. Results can be obtained within 2 weeks.

Time Required: 10 min

Estimated Cost: Less than $1


Resources Required: Tomato juice-2 tablespoons, Yogurt-1 tablespoon, Carrot paste-1 tablespoon, Cucumber paste-1 table spoon, Almonds paste-3 tablespoons

Procedure: First mix all the ingredients to a thick paste. Apply it on face and leave it to dry. Finally wash your face with Luke warm water. Method should be followed 2-3 weeks daily for better results.

Time Required: 30 min. You can find your skin bleached within 1 month

Estimated Cost: $1-$1.75


Resources Required: Ripe Banana-1 tablespoon, Tomato juice-, Vinegar-1 tablespoon, Salt- A pinch, Honey-1 table spoon.

Procedure: Mix all the ingredients into light paste. Rub the paste on your face in round circle. Allow it to dry. Wash your face with cold water. You can find your face glowing immediately. You can follow the tip daily once. It keeps you fresh and beautiful for 24 hrs.

Time Required: 20 min. Within one week you can find good results.

Estimated Cost: Less than $1


Resources Required: Egg -1, Camphor a small piece, Glycerine – 3 drops, Olive oil- ½ table spoon, Dry powder of orange peels-1/2 spoon

Procedure: Separate the albumin and yolk of the egg. Take the albumin and add all the other ingredients. Mix it vigorously and apply it on your face in layers after massaging for 2 min. Massage should be done in round circles. Then leave it to dry for 15 min. Wash your face with luke warm water. Method should be followed every two days.

Time Required: 20 min. You can find your skin tone becoming light every time you follow the method. Good results can be achieved within 1 month

Estimated Cost: Less than $1

Skin Tone Type: V & VI


Resources Required: Sunflower petals paste-1 table spoon, Rose petals paste-2 table spoons, Lime juice – 1tablespoon, Yogurt cream- 1 tablespoon, Honey- 1 table spoon

Procedure: Mix all the ingredients to thick paste. Apply it as a thick face mask. Allow it to dry. Wash your face with cold water. Method should be followed for 2-3 weeks

Time Required: 15 min. You find your skin glowing and becoming fair within 2 weeks

Estimated Cost: $1-$2


Resources Required: Amla Paste-1 table spoon, green gram flour-1/2 tablespoon, camphor- A pinch.

Procedure: Mix all the ingredients and make it into a thick paste. Massage it in round circles all over your face for 2 min. and allow it to dry. Wash your face with cold water. Method should be followed for 1-2 weeks.

Time Required: 10 min.

Estimated Cost: Less than $0.5


Resources Required: Papaya paste-2 tablespoons, Tomato Juice-1 table spoon, Apple paste- 1 table spoon, Rose petals paste-1 tablespoon, olive oil-1tablespoon, Honey-1/2 tablespoon,  Bitter gourd paste-1 tablespoon

Procedure: Mix all the ingredients into a light paste. Apply it on your face like a thick mask. Allow it to dry. Wash your face with Luke warm water. Method should be followed every 2 days.

Time required: 30 min. Change can be seen within 1 month

Estimated Cost: Less than $1


Resources Required: Aloe era Gel- 2 tablespoons, Camphor –A small piece, Turmeric- ¼ th spoon, Almond oil -½ table spoon, Shampoo- 1 drop

Procedure:  Mix all the ingredients and make it into a thick paste and massage it all over your face for 15 min. Leave it for 10 min and wash your face with Luke warm water. Follow the method daily.

Time required: 25 min. Change can be seen in 15 days

Estimated Cost: $1.5-$2


Resources Required: Panax Giseng-2 tablespoons, Olive oil-1 tablespoon, Lime juice-1/2 table spoon, Honey-1 tablespoon

Procedure: Giseng is a root. You have to get it and dry it to make it into powder. Then mix it with other ingredients in sufficient quantity. Apply it as a face mask and leave it for 30 min.

Time required: 35 min. Better results seem to appear within 2-3 weeks

Estimated Cost: $2-$3


Resources:- Vitamin E oil-2table spoons

Procedure:- Apply the oil to your face and massage your face for 10 min in round circles. Expose your face to early morning sunlight and evening sunlight.

Time required:-10 min. Improved results can be achieved in 20 days.

Estimated cost: Less than $0.5

 Read More in Part 3

Category: Beauty & Fashion | Views: 582 | Added by: Inklinker | Tags: Fair skin tone, white skin tone, how to bleach skin, bleaching tips, beautiful skin, beauty, light skin tone, fair complexion, Hyperpigmentation solution | Rating: 0.0/0
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