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Main » 2012 » April » 17 » English Practicing Tips
3:18 PM
English Practicing Tips

1) Choose a particular paragraph from any magazine or book or news paper about 20-25 lines

                                                                                            (Or else)

Try to prepare on the topic "About yourself”. Just keep in mind to include your name, your educational background, and work experience (if any). Also include your personal traits and technical skills, special attributes and achievements, strengths, hobbies, your vision for your career and so on.

2) First read out slowly in your mind in your own natural way. Then read aloud to find the difference it makes while learning.

3) Then go the website " www.thefreedictionary.com” and type the words you find difficult to pronounce or have doubt in pronouncing. Listening 2-3 times and repeating it will help you learn the pronunciation.

4) Try to memorise the pronunciation of commonly used words while practicing with the help of audio.

5) Practice the paragraph without the help of audio. Try to be clear and audible in whatever you practice.

6) Record your voice and hear it, this helps in analysing one’s self and correcting while practicing.

7) While learning English one might think that twisting his mouth in so many ways while speaking give others a chance to make fun of him. So after practicing well aloud at least 10-15 times one can look at himself in the mirror and practice reading so that he learns to speak pleasantly with a smile always.

8) Sincere dedication and practice in this way for 2-3 days choosing 1-2 paragraphs will help perfection of spoken English.

8) By and by one will come to know the grammatical errors and pronunciation errors easily without being corrected by someone else.

Category: English & Soft Skills | Views: 681 | Added by: Inklinker | Tags: learn english quickly, functional english tips, spoken english tips, practice english, english language | Rating: 0.0/0
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